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2 May 2024


Campus Bio-Medico looks ahead: presented the Development Plan to 2045


The Bio-Medical Campus cultivates the future: this is how the Presentation of the Development Plan to 2045 opened in the Capitol to the institutional community, the press and the presence of a representation of citizens with the Mayor of Rome Roberto Gualtieri, the Councilor for Urban Planning Maurizio Veloccia, the President of the Roma IX Eur Municipality Titti Di Salvo, the designers of Studio Labics, the President of the Campus Bio-Medico University and the University Polyclinic Foundation Carlo Tosti and the General Director of Campus Bio-Medico SpA Domenico Mastrolitto.

The Bio-Medical Campus shared its dream – born thirty years ago on the inspiration of Blessed Álvaro del Portillo – and its future, in 2045.

The University Park will be unique with nature, with the Decima Malafede Nature Reserve, a park city where training, healthcare, research and intergenerational dialogue will move in unison in an integrated manner.

The Social Green Masterplan program is part of an even broader vision of University development called “PiùCampus 2045”, which will gradually lead to the consolidation of health and training services thanks also to new structures dedicated to teaching, research, medical and cultural assistance. It covers an area of ​​approximately 90 hectares (1 large multifunctional university park in the Decima Malafede Nature Reserve; +26 thousand m2 for care; +20 thousand m2 for university education; +10 thousand m2 for biomedical and technological research; +28 thousand m2 for sociality: university residences, sports and leisure equipment, inclusion and intergenerational dialogue; +6 thousand m2 of spaces for work and innovation). Furthermore, with the Social Green Masterplan program, the preparation of a system of “multifunctional theme parks” is envisaged, aimed at enhancing the green spaces and biodiversity of the Decima Malafede Nature Reserve within the area, in synergy with the new university structures and health services envisaged within the urban implementation plan. The vision for the development of the Bio-Medical Campus is to consolidate a modern open and interconnected park city, dedicated to care and training, which has its roots in nature and draws inspiration from the surrounding landscape context: the area therefore constitutes a bridge connecting the urban fabric of Trigoria and the Decima Malafede Nature Reserve. The heart of the intervention will be characterized by the pervasive presence of greenery which develops along two main vectors, one North-South and one diagonal.

The Mayor of Rome, Roberto Gualtieri explained that: “The Bio-Medico Campus further strengthens a university and socio-health offer which is already a point of reference for Rome and, together, is a candidate to become a large green hub serving the neighborhood , thanks to a particularly innovative urban regeneration plan, which enhances a beautiful area, creates social spaces and improves the usability of the Decima Malafede Regional Nature Reserve. As an Administration we accompany this plan with great interest, consistent with the idea of ​​sustainable development and openness to the territory that we are promoting in all neighborhoods and with an idea of ​​the development of Rome, increasingly a city of science and innovation”.

“The collaboration with the Municipality is positive, as it has supported and continues to support the vision of our Social Green Masterplan with a One Health perspective, with the aim of training more students, researchers from all over the world, in an innovative and sustainable university campus, with campus life facilities. The Bio-Medical Campus was born small and developed gradually according to the demands and needs of the Society, carrying out university training activities through three Departmental Faculties – Medicine and Surgery, Engineering and Science and Technologies for Sustainable Development and One Health with approximately 3,000 students enrolled in 14 active degree courses; of assistance, through the University Hospital with 31 thousand visits to the emergency room, 28 thousand hospitalizations, 1.4 million outpatient services; of scientific research, oriented towards bio-medicine, bio-engineering, robotics and areas related to life sciences with 53 research units, over 20 laboratories and 400 researchers. Now let’s look to the future, to the next thirty years.” This was declared by Carlo Tosti, President of the University and Campus Bio-Medico Polyclinic Foundation.

“The presentation of the One Health Masterplan of the Bio-Medico Campus is important because it fits fully into our idea of ​​the city: a city in which the offer of valuable services and functions increases, starting from healthcare and university, even in the most peripherals. Roma Capitale, in fact, is already engaged in the transformation that will affect Trigoria both in terms of the urban development of the quadrant and for the valorisation one of the Decima park as a valuable green space fully usable by citizens. What is presented today, therefore, is an improvement that fits fully into our project for this area which will benefit from the development of the Campus with which, among other things, we are studying a collaboration to improve the access roads and to improve the quality of the neighboring urban space” explained the Councilor for Urban Planning of Rome Capital, Maurizio Veloccia.

Titti Di Salvo, President of the IX Municipality of Rome stated: “To understand what the Bio-Medico Campus means for Trigoria, all you have to do is enter it and you realize that it is a real square. The Campus is not only a place of excellence, training and care, think of the emergency room, but it is an important part of the community, which in these thirty years has represented a meeting point, an urban square. Then we also have the Alberto Sordi Foundation, where the care of the elderly is carried out with great attention, by operators of extraordinary ability”.

According to Domenico Mastrolitto, General Director of Campus Bio-Medico SpA: “We are honored to present the One Health Masterplan, a project by the city, for the city: social and public impact, integral and infrastructural regeneration of a piece of our capital. The concept and the long-term vision have allowed us to lay the foundations to make the first results visible and concrete: from here the CUBO, Cultural Box, was born, the new innovation and skills incubator which since September last year has hosted engineers, sustainability experts, nurses, the future ruling class, researchers and doctors who will treat patients and take care of relationships with patients and their families. With the completion of this international health and training hub we would like to create a large open-air laboratory to concretely promote a One Health culture which is based on the integration of different disciplines and sees human health, animal health and the health of the ecosystem inextricably linked”.