What the media say about us

News, follow-ups, press releases and articles on the activities conducted by Campus Bio-Medico SpA and the Bio-Medical University Campus.


23 June 2023


On 24th May the XXXII Shareholders’ Meeting of Campus Bio-Medico SpA was held and the setting for the meeting was the construction site of the new teaching building.


During the works, the main projects and programs of our Society and of the University and welfare institution of which it’s the promoter and founder were illustrated to the entire community of Campus Bio-Medico, with testimonies on the contribution of the Campus on environmental, social and business innovation also through its Social Green Masterplan.

“On its 30th Anniversary, Campus Bio-Medico look to the future with an One Health approach” – said the Executive Director Domenico Mastrolitto – “which favors an ecosystemic vision also aimed at enhancing biodiversity and which interprets the paradigm of the University Park as a whole of activities at the service of the person in terms of intergenerational inclusion through a system of beneficial relationships for the entire span of life.”

“From the title we want to give to this presentation – Transforming Society through the Value of Knowledge – “ thus began Professor Sara Ramella, Pro-Rector for Integration and Social Impact of the Campus Bio-Medico University, “we wanted to show how the University wants, through the value of knowledge, to form society and give it well-being.

“Always with the idea of being united,” – continues the Professor – we have decide to share a common thread in our relationships, which goes from the roots, touches on the current challenges, for the University and the Hospital, and then look at the idea of tomorrow”.

“I want to assure the students present in the room” – this is how Professor Daniela Tartaglini, Assistant Director of Health Professions of the Campus Bio-Medico University Hospital Foundation opened her presentation – “to look the future with confidence because I have had the opportunity in these 30 years of always seeing big dreams and big projects come true.”

In addition, important exponents of the Academic world and Institutions as Professor Laura De Gara, Vice Rector of Education and Deputy Vice Rector of the Rector, Professor Chiara Fanali, Coordinator of the third mission research of the Departmental Faculty of Science and Technology for Sustainable Development and One Health, Professor Eugenio Benvenuto, professor of Agricultural Genetics, the architects of Studio Labics, Maria Claudia Clemente and Francesco Isidori, the Executive Director of Inail, Andrea Tardiola, and the Councilor for Urban Planning of city of Rome, Maurizio Veloccia.