What the media say about us

News, follow-ups, press releases and articles on the activities conducted by Campus Bio-Medico SpA and the Bio-Medical University Campus.


19 June 2024


The XXXII Shareholders’ Meeting of Campus Bio-Medico was held on 28 May 2024

The XXXIII Members’ Assembly of Campus Bio-Medico SpA was held for the first time in the Auditorium of the new #Cubo teaching building and was an opportunity to illustrate the activities and development projects of the company and the university institution and welfare of which he is the Promoter and Founder.

“The One Health focus and the development of the Social Green Masterplan will be two of the strong themes of the coming years to support the Campus system, both for the evolution of the Polyclinic and for the development of the University” these are the words of President Paolo Cederle.

“The Masterplan of the Bio-Medico Campus lays its foundations in a process of study and analysis, in a thought that starts from the cultural and social roots and analyzes the needs of society: a large open-air laboratory to concretely promote the One Health culture” declared the General Director Domenico Mastrolitto.

The contributions of the representatives of the Regione Lazio, of Roma Capitale and of the Istituto Piepoli enriched the meeting with testimonies on the importance of the work path undertaken, based on a system approach and on the development model oriented towards the good of person and the founding principles of the Bio-Medico Campus.